Houston Clean

Houston’s hospitality, sports, entertainment, and transportation industries are committed to health and safety.

Your Organization

(If you selected 'Other' above)

Point of Contact

Please provide a point of contact who would be best suited to handle your public relations or promotions (ie: Director of Marketing or Public Relations, etc.)

Take The Pledge!

We pledge to maintain the highest standards of public safety and health across our city, both for our community and all of our visiting guests. We pledge to research, curate and implement the most medically effective sanitation and social distancing measures available for the health of our patrons. Finally, we pledge to present clear, consistent and timely operating guidelines and procedures in a way that promotes efficient communication.

These measures include:

  • Enhanced Cleaning
  • Employee Health Screenings
  • Enhanced Protective Measures
  • Minimizing Contact Touchpoints
  • Education & Communication
Please read the terms and conditions (click here).


(and I accept the terms and conditions)

Learn more about Member Benefits here

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Houston Clean ©2020

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