Dynamic Variation:
Meet Daniel Palomo

Daniel Palomo is the Director of International Group and Leisure Sales for Houston First Corporation. Daniel has created and implemented business development, sales and marketing strategies in the international meetings market in North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
Daniel recently served asICCA 1st Vice President worldwide, ICCA Board Member and ICCA North America Chapter Chair. Daniel also served as BestCities Global Alliance Strategic Business Development- SBD Chair and Texas Medical Center’s International Affairs Advisory Council Chair.
Daniel taught strategic marketing and business administration courses to undergraduate students in Chile. Also, he conducted research in social development and rural poverty in Colombia. He received three scholarships from the governments of Mexico and Spain to pursue postgraduate studiesin the E.U. and The Americas.
Daniel worked as professor and researcher at academic institutions in Latin America and lived in Mexico, Spain, Belgium, UK, Colombia, Chile and the US. He has a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tec de Monterrey and two masters; an MBA from ESADE Business & Law School in Barcelona with specialization at KU Leuven in Belgium and a MSc. in Politics of Development in Latin America at The London School of Economics and Political Sciences- LSE. Daniel was a PhD in Government candidate at LSE and PhD in Management Sciences candidate at ESADE.