Jones Hall Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Jones Hall?
Jones Hall is located at 615 Louisiana Street in downtown Houston.
What is the phone number?
Daytime Switchboard: 832-487-7050
Fax: 832-487-7051
Box Office: 832-487-7041
Houston Symphony: 713-224-4240
Symphony Box Office: 713-224-7575
Fax: 713-247-0220
Society for the Performing Arts: 713-632-8100
SPA Box Office: 713-227-4772
Fax: 713-632-8122
24-hour security desk: 832-487-7062
Facility tours: 832-487-7050
For emergencies during performance hours, please contact the security desk.
Who owns Jones Hall?
Jones Hall is owned by the City of Houston managed by the Houston First Corporation.
Where can I park?
For parking information, please visit the parking page.
How do I find out about events at Jones Hall?
You can find events listed on our website here. You can also sign up for Curtain Call, our weekly eBlast sent out every Thursday. It includes a listing of upcoming events as well as presales and other special offers available only to subscribers.
How can I find out about other events in downtown?
You can find that information here.
When do the doors open?
For Houston Symphony performances, the building opens one hour before the performance. For Society for the Performing Arts performances, the doors open 90 minutes before curtain time. For all other performances, the building opens one hour before the performance. For all performances, the theater doors typically open 30 minutes prior.
What should I wear?
Business or business-casual clothing is typically appropriate.
Where and when is food service available? How do I pre-order?
Food and beverages are available in the lobby before the performance and during intermission. To pre-order, just pick up an order form at the Encore Café or any bar. Complete the order form and give it to the Encore Café personnel or bartender for purchase. At intermission, your order will be waiting for you!
Can I take my drink into the theater?
Beverages are not allowed inside the theater during Houston Symphony performances. Beverages are sometimes allowed in the theater for other performances. Ushers can answer questions about this.
Do you offer hearing-assistance devices?
Yes. These are free of charge and are provided Houston First Corporation. Just ask an usher for assistance.
Can I bring children?
This policy varies depending on the performance. It is best to ask the box office. Please note that every patron, regardless of age, requires a ticket. Children on laps are not permitted.
When should I arrive?
If you need to pick up tickets, try to be at the box office 45 minutes before the performance. Ticket lines can be long and traffic can be unpredictable. If you already have your tickets, you still need to allow plenty of time for traffic and parking. You should plan to arrive at Jones Hall 30 minutes before the performance.
What if I am late for a performance?
Late seating policies vary depending on the performance. Please be sure to check your ticket for the curtain time, check directions and parking information and allow plenty of time for traffic and parking conditions. Typically, patrons arriving after the performance has started will be seated at an appropriate pause or at intermission. Television monitors are available in the lobby so patrons won’t miss any of the performance while waiting to be seated.
What if I need to leave my seat during a performance?
This policy varies depending on the performance. Usually, patrons will be readmitted at intermission or an appropriate pause.
Can I schedule a tour of Jones Hall for my group?
Yes. Complimentary guided tours are scheduled around performances, events and rehearsals taking place in the theater. To request a tour, call 832.487.7050.
Do you have wheelchair seating?
Yes. Wheelchair and companion seating is available. Please contact the box office to reserve these seats well in advance.
Can I take photos or record the performance?
The use of photographic and recording devices during Houston Symphony and Society for the Performing Arts performances is strictly prohibited. However, photos are sometimes allowed during other performances. The box office can answer questions about this or you can ask an usher.
Help! I lost an item while visiting Jones Hall.
Give us a call at 832.487.7050, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and we will do our very best to help you recover your item.