If you're looking for a wedding venue with real character and history, the new Station 3 space on the edge of Downtown may be just what you seek.
Station 3, otherwise known as "Stonewall", was one of Houston's original fire stations. Built in 1905, its everlasting motto, "Trust in Us" remains etched into the building's stone today. The station was home to teams of horse-drawn fire trucks in its early days; today it is a city of Houston historic landmark.
With more than 5,800-square-feet spread out over two floors, Station 3 can accommodate weddings and events for several hundred people, depending on the layout. And since it retains its original brickwork, wood floors, an intricate hand-carved exterior, the space makes a great backdrop for wedding photos.
Amenities include an outdoor courtyard, private catering area, bridal suite and an automated loading and unloading zone for vendors.
Click here to see images of Station 3.