In late August, Houston suffered from the devastating rainfall caused from Hurricane Harvey. With over 50 inches of rain in areas, many lost their homes and businesses. 

However, Houston has shown its true colors with the unprecedented support and effort from Houstonians, Texans, those around the nation and beyond. The cleanup and relief efforts are far from over, but here are five ways for you to help those in the greater Houston area. 

Volunteering your time

Many local organizations are in need of help; from removing items and gutting homes, to shelters in need of assistance. Register with Volunteer Houston, where you can find opportunities that it your skill set and time, providing help for those areas that need it most. 


If you are short on time, and can spare some monetary resources, the Houston Harvey Relief Fund is a great place to donate money that will go towards helping Houstonians and those affected by Harvey. For clothing and items, check with local shelters in the area. Smaller shelters will be receiving donations and making sure individual needs are met in the community. 

The Houston Food Bank

Hurricane Harvey hit as Houston Restaurant Weeks neared its end in August. The month-long event allows foodies to try new restaurants offering special menus, with proceeds benefiting the Houston Food Bank. Outside of general donations to the group, they have extended this year's event through the end of September. After providing so much for Houstonians in need, your lunch or dinner plans can bring funding back to the food bank, as it continues to help the city. 

Help your friends and neighbors

Houstonians are known for their southern hospitality. In the face of danger, hundreds waded through water to help others. As the rebuilding stage continues, check in on those around you, and see if they have any immediate needs that you can help with. Many have had their worlds rocked, so a helping hand or even just your company can help many return to a sense of normality. 

Explore opportunities around Texas

Hurricane Harvey dropped record-setting amounts of rain on Houston, but our neighbors to the south, east and west have suffered greatly as well. Check in on local shelters and organizations in Beaumont, Rockford and surrounding areas - see how you can be of assistance, if able. 

Thank you again to the many individuals and organizations who  have sent themselves, donations and love to the great City of Houston and Texas.